

Health Sciences Section Awards - Joseph T. Freeman Award

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Joseph T. Freeman Award

Joseph T. FreemanThe Joseph T. Freeman Award is a lectureship in geriatrics and is awarded to a prominent clinician with demonstrated substatntial impact in the field of aging, both in research and practice. The Freeman Lecture is one of the highlights of the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting. The award was established in 1977 through a bequest from a patient's estate as a tribute to Dr. Joseph T. Freeman, a leading physician and one of the Society's distinguished members and past president.

Submission Period

Spring 2024

Eligibility Criteria

  • Nominees must be a member of the Health Sciences section.

Nomination Process

Required Nomination Packet Materials: 

  • A single nomination letter signed by at least three (3) supporters.
  • A current Curriculum Vitae.

Nature of Award
The recipient receives a framed certificate and is recognized at the Joseph T. Freeman Award and Lecture at the Annual Scientific Meeting. The recipient also presents a lecture at the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting the same year that they are selected as recipient of the award.

Past Recipient's Lectures
Disentangling the Disabling Process: Insights From the Precipitating Events Project
Thomas M. Gill 
Volume 54, Issue 4, August 2014 
This paper is a based on the Joseph T. Freeman Award lecture given at the Annual Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America held in New Orleans, Louisiana, in November, 2013

Past Awardees
View here


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