

Join GSA in Boston for the Nation’s Premier Aging Conference!

For Immediate Release
October 18, 2018

Contact: Todd Kluss
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(202) 587-2839

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) invites all journalists to attend its 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting — the country’s largest interdisciplinary conference in the field of aging — from November 14 to 18 in Boston, Massachusetts. Media representatives intending to cover the meeting may register free of charge.

An estimated 4,000 professionals are expected to attend the five-day gathering at the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center, Sheraton Boston Hotel, and Marriott Boston Copley Place. The theme for 2018 is “The Purposes of Longer Lives” and the program schedule contains more than 500 scientific sessions featuring research presented for the first time. Noteworthy meeting highlights include:

  • A wealth of story ideas: GSA offers direct access to leading authorities and new discoveries in gerontology. Explore the latest developments related to innovative technologies, Social Security and retirement, long-term care, human longevity, the impact of the 2018 elections, and much more. Stay tuned for an announcement about the launch of a searchable online program of all meeting sessions.
  • Networking opportunities: The Press Room, which serves as a base of operations for reporters, provides a venue for discussion about emerging issues on the aging beat. There will be a reception for reporters the evening of Friday, November 16.
  • Keynote address: GSA will welcome author, historian, filmmaker, and gerontologist Thomas R. Cole, PhD, FGSA. His 1992 book “The Journey of Life: A Cultural History of Aging in America” was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, and he has published many other books and articles on the history of aging and humanistic gerontology. He was the senior editor of “The Handbook of Humanities and Aging,” “Voices and Visions: Toward a Critical Gerontology,” and “What Does It Mean to Grow Old?”

The complimentary media registration allows access to all scientific sessions and the Exhibit Hall. Registration information is available at

We look forward to seeing you in Boston!


The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is the nation's oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of aging. The principal mission of the Society — and its 5,500+ members — is to advance the study of aging and disseminate information among scientists, decision makers, and the general public. GSA’s structure also includes a policy institute, the National Academy on an Aging Society, and an educational unit, the Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education.

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