OTC Sleep Aids and Sleep Health in Older Adults

sleephealthOTC Sleep Aids and Sleep Health in Older Adults is an extension of the groundbreaking work on OTC Medication Behaviors of Older Adults. GSA initiated this industry-supported collaboration of stakeholders from the public and private sectors; trade, professional, and advocacy organizations; and academia to raise understanding of issues and risks related to OTC sleep aid use in older adults, and frame future efforts to address barriers affecting health care professionals, older adults, and caregivers. Thought leaders with varied interests, experience, and expertise in OTC sleep aids and sleep health in older adults assembled to evaluate current research regarding OTC sleep aid use and sleep health in older adults and provide a framework for improving awareness, advocacy, education, safety, and appropriate use of OTC sleep aid products.

Keep up with this project on Twitter by using the #OTCSleep hashtag.


Steven M. Albert, PhD (chair)
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh

Morris Lewis, MBA (ex officio)
Pfizer Consumer Healthcare

Thomas Roth, PhD
Sleep Disorders and Research Center
Henry Ford Health System


Michael Toscani, PharmD
Rutgers Institute for Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowships
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy

Michael V. Vitiello, PhD
Center for Research on Management of Sleep Disturbances
Northwest Geriatric Education Center
University of Washington

Phyllis Zee, MD, PhD
Sleep Disorders Center
Northwestern University

GSA's 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting

Symposium: Over-the-Counter (OTC) Sleep Aids and Older Adult Sleep Health

Chair: Steven Albert


  • Sleep Health and Appropriate Use of OTC Sleep Aids in Older Adults—Recommendations of a GSA Workgroup (Steven Albert, Thomas Roth, Michael Toscani, Michael Vitiello, Phyllis Zee)
  • Sleep Characteristics in Older Adults: Findings From the 2013 National Health and Wellness Survey (Michael Toscani, Greg O’Neill)
  • Sex Differences in Over-the-Counter Sleep Aid Use in Older Adults (Hillary Gross, Greg O’Neill, Michael Toscani)

Click here to download the symposium handouts.


pfizerThis program is developed by GSA and supported by Pfizer.